The Mezcal Old Fashioned: 100% Modern Twist on a Classic Cocktail
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The Mezcal Old Fashioned: 100% Modern Twist on a Classic Cocktail


Who doesn’t love a good cocktail to unwind after a long day? The Mezcal Old Fashioned is a contemporary twist on a beloved classic, combining the smoky allure of mezcal with the timeless sophistication of the Old Fashioned. Cocktails aren’t just drinks; they’re a key part of social culture, bringing people together to share stories and create memories.

What is Mezcal?

Mezcal is a traditional Mexican spirit crafted from the agave plant. Unlike tequila, which is a type of mezcal specifically made from blue agave, mezcal can be made from a variety of agave species, giving it a distinct smoky flavour. This smokiness comes from the production process, where agave hearts are roasted in earthen pits before fermentation.

Mezcal Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned: A Classic Cocktail

The Old Fashioned dates back to the early 19th century and is one of the oldest known cocktails. Traditionally, it consists of a spirit (usually bourbon or rye), sugar, bitters, and a twist of citrus peel. It’s a simple yet elegant drink, perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

Why Mezcal in an Old Fashioned?

Mezcal adds a unique depth to the Old Fashioned, with its smoky, earthy flavours creating a complex and intriguing profile. Using mezcal not only introduces a modern twist but also enhances the cocktail’s overall character, making it a conversation starter at any gathering.

Ingredients for a Mezcal Old Fashioned

To make a perfect Mezcal Old Fashioned, you’ll need:

  • Mezcal: The star of the show.
  • Sweetener: Options include traditional sugar, simple syrup, or agave nectar.
  • Bitters: Essential for adding complexity.
  • Garnishes: Citrus peel and perhaps a cherry or herb for an extra touch.

Choosing the Right Mezcal

There are various types of mezcal, each offering different flavour notes. Espadín is the most common type and works well for cocktails due to its balanced flavour. For a more complex drink, consider using a mezcal made from wild agave varieties.

Sweeteners: Traditional and Modern Options

The choice of sweetener can significantly impact the cocktail’s flavour:

  • Sugar: Classic choice, either in cube form or as simple syrup.
  • Agave Nectar: Complements the agave-based mezcal perfectly.
  • Honey or Maple Syrup: Offers a unique twist for those looking to experiment.

Bitters: Adding Depth to Your Cocktail

Bitters are crucial for adding depth to your Mezcal Old Fashioned. While Angostura bitters are traditional, don’t be afraid to try other options like orange or chocolate bitters to create a more personalised flavour profile.

Garnishing Your Mezcal Old Fashioned

Garnishes not only add visual appeal but also enhance the drink’s aroma:

  • Citrus Peel: A twist of orange or lemon peel adds a refreshing zest.
  • Herbs and Spices: Consider adding a sprig of rosemary or a cinnamon stick for an aromatic twist.

Step-by-Step Preparation

Making a Mezcal Old Fashioned is straightforward. Here’s how:

    1. Tools Needed: Cocktail shaker, muddler, mixing glass, strainer, and an old-fashioned glass.
  • Preparation:
    • Muddle sugar with bitters in the mixing glass.
    • Add a large ice cube and pour in the mezcal.
    • Stir gently to combine and chill.
    • Strain into an Old Fashioned glass with a fresh ice cube.
    • Garnish with a citrus peel and enjoy.

Variations of the Mezcal Old Fashioned

Don’t be afraid to get creative with these variations:

  • Smoky Mezcal Old Fashioned: Use a heavily smoked mezcal and add a dash of smoked bitters.
  • Spicy Mezcal Old Fashioned: Add a slice of jalapeño or a dash of chilli bitters.
  • Citrus Mezcal Old Fashioned: Incorporate additional citrus elements, such as grapefruit bitters or a splash of orange liqueur.

Pairing Mezcal Old Fashioned with Food

A Mezcal Old Fashioned pairs wonderfully with a variety of foods:

  • Appetisers: Think smoky or spicy starters like grilled shrimp or nachos with jalapeños.
  • Main Courses: Works well with rich, hearty dishes such as BBQ ribs or steak.
  • Desserts: Complements desserts like dark chocolate cake or churros.

Serving Suggestions

Presentation is key:

  • Glassware: Use a classic old-fashioned glass.
  • Presentation Tips: Consider using a large, clear ice cube for a sophisticated look and to keep the drink colder for longer without diluting it too quickly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even seasoned cocktail enthusiasts can make mistakes. Avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Overusing Bitters: Start with a few dashes and adjust to taste.
  • Incorrect Mezcal Selection: Opt for a balanced mezcal that won’t overpower the drink.


The Mezcal Old Fashioned is a delightful twist on a classic cocktail, offering a perfect balance of smoky, sweet, and bitter flavours. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to explore the rich and complex world of mezcal. So, next time you’re in the mood for a cocktail, why not give the Mezcal Old Fashioned a try? It might just become your new favourite drink.


What makes mezcal different from tequila?

Mezcal can be made from various types of agave and has a distinctive smoky flavour due to its production process, whereas tequila is made specifically from blue agave and lacks smokiness.

Can I use any type of mezcal in a Mezcal Old Fashioned?

While you can use any mezcal, it’s best to choose one with a balanced flavour to complement the cocktail’s other ingredients.

What is the best sweetener for a Mezcal Old Fashioned?

Agave nectar is often considered the best sweetener for a Mezcal Old Fashioned as it complements the agave-based spirit. However, simple syrup and honey are also good options.

Are there any non-alcoholic versions of this cocktail?

Yes, you can create a non-alcoholic version using a mezcal-flavoured non-alcoholic spirit, combined with the same bitters and sweeteners.

How can I make a Mezcal Old Fashioned less smoky?

To reduce the smokiness, use a lighter mezcal and add a touch more sweetener or citrus to balance the flavours.


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